Las Vegas Massacre
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LAS VEGAS — Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of the Las Vegas gunman, is at the F.B.I.’s building in Los Angeles for questioning, according to a law enforcement official, as the authorities sought her insight into what prompted a man with no evident criminal history to become a mass murderer.
The bureau is trying to reconstruct the actions of the gunman, including finding and interviewing “everyone and anyone who crossed his path in recent weeks,” Andrew G. McCabe, the deputy director of the F.B.I., said at a cybersecurity conference in Boston.
The killer, Stephen Paddock, “is an individual who was not on our radar or anyone’s radar prior to the event,” Mr. McCabe said in an interview with CNBC outside the conference. “So we really have a challenging bit of detective work to do here, to kind of put the pieces back together after the fact.”
Las Vegas police officers took cover and directed concertgoers to safety as gunshots rang out on Sunday, newly released body camera footage shows.
“Hey, you guys, get down,” one officer shouted at bystanders between volleys of gunfire. “Go that way. Get out of here. There are gunshots coming from over there. Go that way.”
But some people did not believe they were under attack and rebuffed orders to evacuate. “That’s fireworks,” one bystander shouted at officers. Another yelled expletives when told to take cover.
As sirens blared and gunfire crackled, the video showed, officers strained to find the source of the shots.
“Hey, they’re shooting right at us, guys,” one officer said as he and his colleagues crouched behind a wall with their weapons drawn. “Everybody stay down, stay down.”
“North of the Mandalay Bay, it’s coming out of a window,” another officer says.
The three-minute video released by the police on Tuesday was a compilation of footage from the cameras of several officers at the scene.
“There’s multiple people shot up there,” someone says in one clip.
“We see muzzle blasts from the Mandalay Bay,” someone, apparently an officer, said in another clip.
The police have also confirmed the authenticity of leaked photographs of the deceased gunman with a revolver by his side and of his hotel suite, showing ammunition and rifles.


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