
Showing posts from December, 2017
Class Evaluation   1) The things i like about this class is that you get to learn all the computer parts and how to be a CTR person. Also when we watch videos related to our topics and how we learn from those videos and improve.And also think the Life Planning Goals Journal is also important and helpful for me because it will effect you in the future and help you be better and achieve your goals. And finally the best part of the class is free time, when your done with all your stuff looked back at it and reviewed it a second time, you get to have free time which means you can do whatever you want with the  computer. For example, play games go on YouTube, Code, etc. just my favorite thing about this class. 2)  The things i don't like about this class is getting terms about your Block 1 and make flash cards about it. I don't like that because i think its pointless to the class in general because we are not learning about are Block 1 we need to learn about our class at