10 Keys Post to Personal Power

Key 1: Clarity
To have clarity is to have your mind set on your goals. If you want to be successful in life you have to have a plan.You have to have everything planed out and set and have to think about all of the situations that could occur and get in way to your success. Another way that the word clarity can be interpenetrated as could be to sober up and keep your body health and away from drugs and alcohol.
Image result for clarity Focus on the path that will lead you to successes. If you don't have any goals that you won't be successful. When you clear your mind, you get a new start of ideas and can make plans to be successful.

Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
Competence is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. And everyone has the ability to do something successfully and this is trying to tell us that we can seek opportunities and become better by choosing the right. This can help and effect you in the future because you will be successfully and do stuff efficiently and will also help if you have a goal, having a goal will make you want to complete it but don't always focus on one goal. Because the more and harder you work the better you get. You need to be honest with yourself and have confidence and if you do that's competence.

Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."
Always plan something out, like set up have some time on something. This is why before you start something think when is the best time to use it. For example, if you have a essay due for school, have time to finish that essay or else it will effect your future and you'll get a bad grade for that class. Because time does matter and this is why you need to spend your time in a good situation because you might need that time. And Concentration is also about focus, never get distract because you might not finish what you was doing. Focusing plays a big role in your future because it helps you know what track you are taking and know if you are choosing the right, being a good person.

Key 4: Common Sense
Train your mind
think things through
listen to your intuition
learn from setbacks
This key is trying to tell us that we should use our common sense by putting our mind to the goal. The definition of common sense means to have good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. An example of this key would be, you're sick and your friend tells you to go see the doctor. Do you think she's right? If you don't, then you're not using common sense because when someone is sick they go to the doctor and get medication so that they can get well. You can use common sense by thinking things through, especially when you know its not the right thing to do. Another thing about common sense is that your always deciding to do the right thing because you don't want to make a fool out of yourself. The quote in the right side is telling us its better to have common sense without education than have education without common sense, meaning if your well educated and everyone is constantly telling you to not make the same mistake again but you keep doing it, then that shows you don't have any type of common sense. While the other person may have common sense because they understand. I can apply this key into my daily life by actually trying to improve and think twice before I do anything and make sure that it's the right thing. I can accomplish this by training my mind and learning from my mistakes.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Key number five is trying to tell us that being creative can lead to success because you're all about asking questions and finding the answer. The definition of creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. When you're creative you can turn new and imaginative ideas into reality. Its only a matter of time when you decide it's time to bring out the inner of yourself. An example of creativity would be if you're a good writer and know how to form a good story, then you can try to write your own book and get it publish. The whole point of this is, so that you can show everyone what you like to do and how amazing of a writer you are as well. Most importantly you should have fun. The quote at the left is telling you how creativity has so much power to act and it will amaze you because it's something that you don't really see. Many people don't like you to see the other half of themselves because they feel embarrass. I can apply this key into my life by trying to do new things and learn from others because they can also help you achieve the greater.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life.""Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc.""If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
This key is trying to tell us that we should consider other people in our life because without them we won't be able to succeed. Meaning we should have a relationship of being good friends and knowing each other. The definition of consideration means careful thought, typically over a period of time. An example would be you're working as a team to finish a project and you see that one of your team members feels left out. What should you do? Instead of letting your team member feel that way, you should invite them to join and ask if they want to work on it together. This will help you be a better communicator let others know you care. The quote in the left side is explaining how showing consideration for others leads to a good life but also a good society and this is what we want. We need everyone to be nice and be accepted for you they are. This can determine the success you'll achieve in life because not only do you think about yourself but everyone else around you.

Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."
Consistency, what can you learn from this. It shows you can be dependable, predictable, and your work is always superior. Consistency means to hold together, which means that you should never let go of your family, friends, friendships etc. You can be counted on because you're unbreakable and you are determined to do it no matter what. The quote at the left is telling us how trust is built with consistency. Meaning you have to earn that trust by doing the right thing and showing it to other people because in reality anyone is capable of earning trust. The only thing is that it takes time, so you will have to be patient. It will lead to success like every other key because you need all 10 to have accomplishments, happiness, success, trust, confidence and so much more that will shape you. Your hard work and dedication will pay off and you'll come to conclusion realizing that it was all worth it. At the end of the day we're all the same and we can be better each day.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
This key is telling you the importance of commitment and why you should do it to. What does being commitment mean? It's the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. Being successful comes along with some special skills and one of those are being committed. When you're a committed person it shows others that you can be trusted. Especially when it comes to work managers like to see workers that are taking the job seriously and dedicate their time to do it correctly. An example would be, when you go to college or a university you have to take interest in what you want to become and make a commitment, telling yourself that you're going to graduate and be successful. Being committed isn't something you earn but instead you work towards it. Just like your parents who are always committed of taking care of you, show them that you do the same when you come to school. Commitment is a big thing because you are determined to do anything. I can apply this key into my daily life because I will try to be committed to myself and my school work because it's important that I become someone in the future.

Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
What does courage mean? The definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. When you have courage, you can be successful. An example of courage would be when you write down goals in a notebook, journal or diary and you're willing to accomplish them without being scared and letting others interfere. You may fail a couple of times throughout life, but all those fails should inspire you to do better and become someone great, be courageous. Another example this key is represented in life would be when the firefighters put their life in risk for others especially the ones that join the army, marine. etc. They show courage and strength to the country and everyone who supports them. The quote at the left is telling us when you're successful it doesn't need to end there or when you have done a failure don't think you can't try again, but if you continue to have courage then that will count. Don't be that one person who fears everyone or everything because when you live in fear it will be hard to come out even if its possible Courage is the key to success, I can apply this key into my daily life by trying something new everyday to boost up myself-esteem and let go of fears that may not allow me to be successful and courageous. When having courage you can do the impossible.

Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
Final Reflection: The ten keys to personal power can benefit me throughout life because they will motivate me to do better and help me achieve my goals. Another reason why they will benefit me is because they are a guidance to my future and success. The keys that I ma applying now are commitment and confidence, that's only two out of the ten keys. This shows me that I need to work harder at improving myself so that I can eventually use all ten of them. The way I'm using commitment is by going to school everyday and always follow what my mom tell me to do.
To have clarity is to have your mind set on your goals. If you want to be successful in life you have to have a plan.You have to have everything planed out and set and have to think about all of the situations that could occur and get in way to your success. Another way that the word clarity can be interpenetrated as could be to sober up and keep your body health and away from drugs and alcohol.
Image result for clarity Focus on the path that will lead you to successes. If you don't have any goals that you won't be successful. When you clear your mind, you get a new start of ideas and can make plans to be successful.
Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
Competence is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. And everyone has the ability to do something successfully and this is trying to tell us that we can seek opportunities and become better by choosing the right. This can help and effect you in the future because you will be successfully and do stuff efficiently and will also help if you have a goal, having a goal will make you want to complete it but don't always focus on one goal. Because the more and harder you work the better you get. You need to be honest with yourself and have confidence and if you do that's competence.
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."
Always plan something out, like set up have some time on something. This is why before you start something think when is the best time to use it. For example, if you have a essay due for school, have time to finish that essay or else it will effect your future and you'll get a bad grade for that class. Because time does matter and this is why you need to spend your time in a good situation because you might need that time. And Concentration is also about focus, never get distract because you might not finish what you was doing. Focusing plays a big role in your future because it helps you know what track you are taking and know if you are choosing the right, being a good person.
Key 4: Common Sense
Train your mind
think things through
listen to your intuition
learn from setbacks
This key is trying to tell us that we should use our common sense by putting our mind to the goal. The definition of common sense means to have good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. An example of this key would be, you're sick and your friend tells you to go see the doctor. Do you think she's right? If you don't, then you're not using common sense because when someone is sick they go to the doctor and get medication so that they can get well. You can use common sense by thinking things through, especially when you know its not the right thing to do. Another thing about common sense is that your always deciding to do the right thing because you don't want to make a fool out of yourself. The quote in the right side is telling us its better to have common sense without education than have education without common sense, meaning if your well educated and everyone is constantly telling you to not make the same mistake again but you keep doing it, then that shows you don't have any type of common sense. While the other person may have common sense because they understand. I can apply this key into my daily life by actually trying to improve and think twice before I do anything and make sure that it's the right thing. I can accomplish this by training my mind and learning from my mistakes.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Key number five is trying to tell us that being creative can lead to success because you're all about asking questions and finding the answer. The definition of creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. When you're creative you can turn new and imaginative ideas into reality. Its only a matter of time when you decide it's time to bring out the inner of yourself. An example of creativity would be if you're a good writer and know how to form a good story, then you can try to write your own book and get it publish. The whole point of this is, so that you can show everyone what you like to do and how amazing of a writer you are as well. Most importantly you should have fun. The quote at the left is telling you how creativity has so much power to act and it will amaze you because it's something that you don't really see. Many people don't like you to see the other half of themselves because they feel embarrass. I can apply this key into my life by trying to do new things and learn from others because they can also help you achieve the greater.
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life.""Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc.""If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
This key is trying to tell us that we should consider other people in our life because without them we won't be able to succeed. Meaning we should have a relationship of being good friends and knowing each other. The definition of consideration means careful thought, typically over a period of time. An example would be you're working as a team to finish a project and you see that one of your team members feels left out. What should you do? Instead of letting your team member feel that way, you should invite them to join and ask if they want to work on it together. This will help you be a better communicator let others know you care. The quote in the left side is explaining how showing consideration for others leads to a good life but also a good society and this is what we want. We need everyone to be nice and be accepted for you they are. This can determine the success you'll achieve in life because not only do you think about yourself but everyone else around you.

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."
Consistency, what can you learn from this. It shows you can be dependable, predictable, and your work is always superior. Consistency means to hold together, which means that you should never let go of your family, friends, friendships etc. You can be counted on because you're unbreakable and you are determined to do it no matter what. The quote at the left is telling us how trust is built with consistency. Meaning you have to earn that trust by doing the right thing and showing it to other people because in reality anyone is capable of earning trust. The only thing is that it takes time, so you will have to be patient. It will lead to success like every other key because you need all 10 to have accomplishments, happiness, success, trust, confidence and so much more that will shape you. Your hard work and dedication will pay off and you'll come to conclusion realizing that it was all worth it. At the end of the day we're all the same and we can be better each day.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
This key is telling you the importance of commitment and why you should do it to. What does being commitment mean? It's the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. Being successful comes along with some special skills and one of those are being committed. When you're a committed person it shows others that you can be trusted. Especially when it comes to work managers like to see workers that are taking the job seriously and dedicate their time to do it correctly. An example would be, when you go to college or a university you have to take interest in what you want to become and make a commitment, telling yourself that you're going to graduate and be successful. Being committed isn't something you earn but instead you work towards it. Just like your parents who are always committed of taking care of you, show them that you do the same when you come to school. Commitment is a big thing because you are determined to do anything. I can apply this key into my daily life because I will try to be committed to myself and my school work because it's important that I become someone in the future.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
What does courage mean? The definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. When you have courage, you can be successful. An example of courage would be when you write down goals in a notebook, journal or diary and you're willing to accomplish them without being scared and letting others interfere. You may fail a couple of times throughout life, but all those fails should inspire you to do better and become someone great, be courageous. Another example this key is represented in life would be when the firefighters put their life in risk for others especially the ones that join the army, marine. etc. They show courage and strength to the country and everyone who supports them. The quote at the left is telling us when you're successful it doesn't need to end there or when you have done a failure don't think you can't try again, but if you continue to have courage then that will count. Don't be that one person who fears everyone or everything because when you live in fear it will be hard to come out even if its possible Courage is the key to success, I can apply this key into my daily life by trying something new everyday to boost up myself-esteem and let go of fears that may not allow me to be successful and courageous. When having courage you can do the impossible.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
This is the last key to the 10 keys to personal power. Key number ten is about having confidence in what you produce(work) and in yourself. The definition of confidence, is the feeling or belief that one can relay on someone or something. An example of this quote would be when you're about to apply for colleges that are way out of your league, and you know that you're not going to make it in. You shouldn't feel scared to give it a try, instead you should have confidence and pride in yourself. Not many people have confidence in themselves and this makes it hard for them to succeed in life. One way you can be confidence is by practicing the same things over and over again and believing in yourself that you're an amazing person.
Final Reflection: The ten keys to personal power can benefit me throughout life because they will motivate me to do better and help me achieve my goals. Another reason why they will benefit me is because they are a guidance to my future and success. The keys that I ma applying now are commitment and confidence, that's only two out of the ten keys. This shows me that I need to work harder at improving myself so that I can eventually use all ten of them. The way I'm using commitment is by going to school everyday and always follow what my mom tell me to do.
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