6 Rules To Make People Like You
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
You don't need to hate other people or else they won't like you. You need to be yourself but you also need to have respect and if you don't like them you don't need to say mean comments about them or hat on them.
Rule 2: Smile
Smiling is always important because you need to always spread positively. And make yourself positive and if you show that you are you will be a happy person and people like positive people and would like to hang out with those people because people don't like to be negative. Smile More!
Rule 3: Remember names
Remembering names is not that hard, but you need to remember names to make people like you. For example, you meet a new friend and you tell each others names the next day he/she comes up to you and say hi (your name) and you say hi but forgot his name so you made a awkward situation. You also made him/her feel bad for not remembering his/her name. And if you do remember people's name you can get people to like you and know a lot of people so that means new friends.
Rule 4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Being a good listener is always important, especially if you want people to like you. Because they will be addicting to talk to you and will feel that they have someone who understands them and a lot of people like that. Being a good listener will not just help people liking you but help you in your future , school and other real life situations. It can also help the other person by just listing to them because sometimes people just want to be heard.
Rule 5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest

This means to talk to people in the terms they treasure the most. For example, you are talking to someone who loves soccer then tell that person, what are some things you like about soccer, what are some things you hate about soccer, who's your best player, who inspire you to play soccer, what is your favorite team. This will make that person like you but it doesn't mean you need to like what they like or pretend you like what they like, just talk in terms of the other person's interest.
Rule 6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.
this means to make other people feel important but don't fake it, do it sincerely. And we should care of others too, and help other people too. For example, someone is feeling sad cheer them up by making them feel important, that you care about them.
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