The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
This new habit is trying to teach us how we should be more active in life because at the end of the day we decide who we want to become. Our actions play a big role in our life because we choose what is best for us, even if sometimes we may be wrong but that doesn't stop us. Have some courage and happiness in your life, always make the right choices. We has young teenagers always try to be right and make the correct choices but sometimes it doesn't turn out that way and we may cause some problems. No one else holds the key to our future but us, so we need to do active and aware of our decisions. Being proactive means that you should be doing something positive in your life instead of wasting your time be lazy and not knowing anything. That's why there's a reason why we have to attend school and it's because we need to learn something that will prepare us for our future. Another thing is that we should learn from our mistakes and if you're proactive you should make your own circumstances, instead of waiting for other. The quote at the right is telling us how happiness and unhappiness are a proactive choice and nothing changes between the two only we can make it change if we decide to do it.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Control your own destiny or someone else will."
This new habit is trying to tell us that we should control our life and do what is best for our future. Always think ahead of yourself and plan accordingly. Be responsible for your actions because if you're not then someone else will. Learn how to control your future by doing what is right. Some examples would be that you do your homework each night, study for tests, come to school on time, ask questions and so much more. The ones that think for themselves are willing to plan their future and not let anyone interfere. You should start your day by knowing what to do and how long will it take you to do it. I can incorporate this habit in my life by making the right choices and having a clear vision of all the tasks I'm suppose to do, like go to school, clean my room and other things. The quote shown in the left is telling you how you should start with the outcome and work backward to make it possible. An example would be you want to go to Stanford University and you know that you have to be a really good student in order to make it in. So what should you do? I believe that you should do as much as possible while you're in high school because maybe you have a chance to get in. Meaning join clubs, take college classes, do a sport or instrument, take AP classes, have straight A's, etc.

Habit 3: Put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities"
This new habit is trying to tell us that we should always put the most important things first because that's what counts. For example if you want to go to a good University like UCLA, then you should work hard so that you can get there. You will need to do all your homework, come on time to school, focus, volunteer, take AP courses and so much more. Accomplish the goals you set in your mind because if you don't then you're not putting first things first. When you don't prioritize your time

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
This new habit is trying to teach us that we should always think positive and try our best to be determined, so that we can win. Everyone can be a winner, but only if we choose to do it. You chose whether you want to be a good or bad person. You set you're mind to win every time, when you do something even if its just homework. By helping each other out and working as a team we can all be successful.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
This new habit is trying to teach us how we should do things first before we are able to understand them. For example in order for us to pass a test, we need to study and practice. You have to understand the problems before you are able to solve them. In most cases you have to dig in and find what wrong before you are able to give an answer. I will use this new habit in my daily life because I will try to look out for the problem before I'm able to solve it. The quote at the right is telling us that those people who become successful in life, are the ones that do more talking and always listening to what you have to say, whether it's an opinion or fact. To be successful in life you can follow this habit and it will make you happy and life can be a little easier. This habit is also trying to tell us that people form opinions based on their own experiences and we just have to try and understand them.

Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
Habit six talks about synergize, which means to work, have an open mind, work in teams, be creative and seek adventures to finding new problems on old problems. Another thing is that this doesn't come right away there's a process to it and that process would be that you bring all your personal experiences into it. This also means that you should invite everyone into the group, so that as a whole you can be better, smarter and have more answer to the problems. Like they always say, two brains are better than one alone. You will also learn from these people and maybe you will add it into your life. The quote at the left is telling you how each one of us can do things that others may not but if we work together and combine them it will turn out o be better. I can incorporate this habit into my life because I will work with others, have more energy/enthusiasm, be open minded and other things that will make be become a better person and having a bright future. This is important because it lets you get involved with others and you learn from them, it doesn't matter what gender or race they are as long as you can work as a team and solve bigger problems.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal:Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/ Emotional
This habit is trying to tell you that you should have a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas in your life which are physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional. And I agree with this because we will need to understands these things in life if we want to become successful. try to preserve and enhance the greatest asset you have in yourself. Some ways that you can sharpen the saw is by stretching, getting enough sleep, take deep breathes, drink a lot of water, eat healthy meals, learn new skills, take a quality etc. One thing that you shouldn't do is stress yourself out because it's not good for you or your health. If you do stress yourself out, you're already breaking the balance because it would involve two of the areas which are physical and mental. The quote at the right is trying to tell you how you should never think its too late to sharpen the saw, meaning that you can always be productive. Physical will help us throughout our mind and body because it will show others what we are capable of. We must never be anti- social because it doesn't help you make progress, instead we should be social throughout life and build a relationship with everyone around you. Sharpen the saw is us, the ones that make the right or wrong decisions we balance our life.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
Habit six talks about synergize, which means to work, have an open mind, work in teams, be creative and seek adventures to finding new problems on old problems. Another thing is that this doesn't come right away there's a process to it and that process would be that you bring all your personal experiences into it. This also means that you should invite everyone into the group, so that as a whole you can be better, smarter and have more answer to the problems. Like they always say, two brains are better than one alone. You will also learn from these people and maybe you will add it into your life. The quote at the left is telling you how each one of us can do things that others may not but if we work together and combine them it will turn out o be better. I can incorporate this habit into my life because I will work with others, have more energy/enthusiasm, be open minded and other things that will make be become a better person and having a bright future. This is important because it lets you get involved with others and you learn from them, it doesn't matter what gender or race they are as long as you can work as a team and solve bigger problems.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal:Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/ Emotional
This habit is trying to tell you that you should have a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas in your life which are physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional. And I agree with this because we will need to understands these things in life if we want to become successful. try to preserve and enhance the greatest asset you have in yourself. Some ways that you can sharpen the saw is by stretching, getting enough sleep, take deep breathes, drink a lot of water, eat healthy meals, learn new skills, take a quality etc. One thing that you shouldn't do is stress yourself out because it's not good for you or your health. If you do stress yourself out, you're already breaking the balance because it would involve two of the areas which are physical and mental. The quote at the right is trying to tell you how you should never think its too late to sharpen the saw, meaning that you can always be productive. Physical will help us throughout our mind and body because it will show others what we are capable of. We must never be anti- social because it doesn't help you make progress, instead we should be social throughout life and build a relationship with everyone around you. Sharpen the saw is us, the ones that make the right or wrong decisions we balance our life.
7 Habits Final Reflection: What are the 7 habits, well to start you off they are powerful lessons that can change the way you live your life. It can be good and bad but for the most part it should be good because it will bring in joy and success to your life. Each of the seven habits have a way of showing you different methods to become a better person and use your time wisely. One of the habits that I really like is "put first things first". I like it because its trying to tell you how your future is more important than anything else. Like if you want to get into a good university sometime in the future, you will have to work for it by going to school everyday, joining clubs, doing your homework and receiving good grades every time. We need to organize our priorities first. Another habit that stood out to me was "sharpen the saw", the last habit. This habit talks about making time for yourself and not trying to finish everything first because then you may not understand what you did. It includes physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional. I will commit to the seven habits by trying to do one of them each day and see how I make progress throughout time.
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